You are not paying attention. Please read my previous post: the crux of the energy transition. Again. And again. Till you finally get what I'm saying, which is that the problem is civilization itself, shooting us well past the carrying capacity of Earth. Pushing industrialism in the form of solar photovoltaics combined with crypto is really getting us nowhere. Spoiler alert: all of my articles advocate for de-growth of the human enterprise, and converting our soceities into low-tech, ecotechnic ones. Read "What would it take?" for my concrete proposals. Concluding that I'm paid by Banks based on all these... well, simply doesn't make sense to me. Please stop commenting my articles until you really get this message. If you don't agree for whatever reason, I'm fine with that too. We don't need to read or comment each other's stuff. I'm so sad however, that what could have been a meaningful conversation about our future, has turned into smear job. Good bye!