Thank you for highlighting that. You know I'm a person of numbers and facts, and when I hear numbers and facts which simply does not add up I start to look for alternative sources (and not only the ones I have listed). I'm intrigued for example how can a 1:10 artillery and overall firepower ratio result in a 1:1 casualty ratio, and how can we call such a situation a stalemate, when it is at best a horrific human meat-grinder killing and maiming hundreds of fathers, sons and husbands in an industrial scale warfare the West has no industrial power to match. Again, not my words, but a retired US general, and not the one I linked.
On the moral part of things: how can leaders of a country talk about morality, and unprovoked invasions, when these people were in many cases personally responsible for starting shooting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia? Why did not the 'international community' stood up against these invasions? Why just this one? Don't get me wrong: this is not to justify the war we have in Europe in any way, only to point out, that morality has turned rather subjective nowadays - unfortunately.